OCT | Day 3 | Cannon Beach to Nehalem
Cannon Beach to Arch Cape We had an very early start today as we crawled out of our sleeping bags at 3
Innovation powered by the spirit of adventure
Cannon Beach to Arch Cape We had an very early start today as we crawled out of our sleeping bags at 3
Tillamook Head We started the day with breakfast and showers at the Hi-Tide Oceanfront Inn. This was to be our last hotel
On paper, Day 1 was supposed to be “easy.” Sure, it was 20 miles. But all we had to do was walk
After months of planning, weeks of preparation, and lots of nervous energy, the big day was finally here. Oregon, here we come,
@#%*! is gettin’ real now! This time next week, we ought to be well into the first day of our big trip
On Saturday, Old School (Jason), Blair, and I rode the Chino Grinder, a 108-mile gravel race out and back from Chino to
Where to begin? Last Saturday we started the five-week countdown to hike the Oregon Coast Trail (OCT). On Sunday, June 4th, we’ll