Questing Releases

Version 1.15.17

  • Fixed issue preventing users from using previous check-ins
  • Improved algorithm for map auto-zooming
  • Map polygons now use status-specific fill color
  • Added “Check Server” and “Check Cache” options

Version 1.15.13

  • Android-only
  • Fixed Android crash due to Google Play location services change

Version 1.15.12

  • Additional map optimization for very large quests
  • Improvements to auto-zoom on quest maps
  • Recent quests filter excludes quests that the user has never checked into
  • Resolved auth issues due to poor network connectivity

Version 1.15.9

  • Improved map display for anti-meridian locations
  • Fixed map scaling for wide and large areas
  • Map shows proximity halo for achieved (Blue) check-ins

Version 1.15.7

  • Fixed issue preventing check-in notifications to followers of user
  • Users can now configure the “Zoom to Me” range for maps
  • Fixed bug preventing check-in reset for multi-location objective

Version 1.15.5

  • Added new “Recent quests” filter for quests
  • Fixed issue where objectives from retired quests show up in Nearby list
  • Fixed issue with displaying zero proximities
  • Fixed issue with displaying extremely close Nearby locations
  • Fixed sorting issues with area-based locations in Nearby list
  • Updated app to use latest version of Google Maps

Version 1.15.2

  • Fixed map issues with Southern Hemisphere locations (e.g., New Zealand)
  • Fixed map issue where TCC country markers weren’t clustering properly
  • Fixed rendering of map markers on app startup
  • Updated map marker for locations with area-based proximity requirements

Version 1.15.0

  • Fixed issue preventing check-in comments for added objectives
  • App now remembers “Map” versus “List” on Nearby screen
  • Renamed “Map” button to “Nearby”
  • Increased size and visibility of Check In button
  • Misc. bug fixes and improvements

Version 1.14.1

  • Improved map results by using boundaries to calculate distances
  • Fixed font size issues in footer and place search
  • Improved responsiveness of search

Version 1.14.0

  • Users can display location boundaries on all maps
  • Long comments can be viewed by tapping to expand
  • Fixed issue where users can’t check in offline due to “Offline” save button
  • Current position marker is now a spinning Question icon
  • Settings have moved to the bottom navigation bar

Version 1.13.2

  • Fixed issues with quest search results
  • Improved spacing issues with map marker popups
  • Added Join the Quest button for search results
  • Changing clustering option now updates map properly

Version 1.13.1

  • New map marker popups appear properly on all devices
  • Added bottom spacing for Questing search results to avoid the keyboard
  • Welcome screen shouldn’t appear for existing users

Version 1.13.0

  • New Search screen for finding quests
  • Expanded map popups for objectives
  • Fixed issue with proximity on map objectives

Version 1.12.0

  • New Map screen replaces Nearby Locations
  • Redesigned access to user profiles
  • Improved startup time and decreased memory use

Version 1.11.2

  • Removed annoying login requests while offline
  • Fixed map marker position for check-ins that can be re-verified
  • Fixed caching issue where server data updates wouldn’t be visible in app

Version 1.11.1

  • Users can now see Verified locations in the Nearby Locations list
  • Progress bars have been restored to the main Quest list
  • Check-in status in now accurate for Activity entries for objectives
  • Fixed issue with inconsistent check-in and new quest notifications
  • Infinite scrolling for Activity notifications now works properly
  • Updated sign in screens to latest app graphics

Version 1.11.0

  • Users can verify new check-ins using previous check-ins
  • Refresh performance improved throughout the app
  • App no longer logs out when offline for extended period
  • Improved app response during check-ins and resets
  • Fixed display issues for larger accessibility text sizes
  • Fixed map issue when lat and long for location is missing
  • Fixed issue with Verified times displaying incorrectly on activities

Version 1.10.0

  • New look for Questing!
  • Users can ‘Add Missing’ objectives for selected quests
  • Proximity and sorting of Nearby Locations is now correct for specified places
  • Search is now optional on the main Quest list

Version 1.9.7

  • New ‘Send Coffee’ feature
  • Resolved privacy issue where user emails were inadvertently exposed
  • Improved speed of user check-ins and resets

Version 1.9.6

  • Added 2022 Year in Questing recap
  • Quest Detail search box is only shown for tabs where search is relevant
  • Added gravatar support for users that haven’t added profile pics
  • Profile is automatically populated for new social sign-in users

Version 1.9.5

  • Users can now re-verify point and track-based check-ins
  • Fixed issue with “blank” map callouts
  • Improved display of large areas in northern latitudes (e.g., Alaska)
  • Check-in date/time is easier to tap and change
  • Resolved sign-up issue with verify code on resend attempts
  • Improved avatar display for users that haven’t uploaded a photo

Version 1.9.4

  • Resolved issue where map-based check-ins were incorrectly verified

Version 1.9.3

  • Users get a notification when they haven’t checked in in a while
  • Map callout text has been expanded
  • Area-based objectives have a new map marker
  • Users can expand long objective descriptions by tapping them
  • Followers are properly notified when a user checks in to an unfamiliar quest
  • Resolved minor zoom issue on check-in maps

Version 1.9.2

  • Map boundary verification now uses objective proximity
  • Added map boundaries for Arizona State Parks
  • Added track-based validation for segments of the Maricopa Trail quest
  • Improved proximity displays for boundary objectives
  • Users can now turn off clustering for individual Quest maps
  • Locations without place names display properly in Quest maps
  • Final objectives are no longer obscured by the list menu

Version 1.9.1

  • Resolved upgrade error due to cache file delete
  • Location access is requested on Android startup
  • Objective sorting on distance is hidden if location access is denied
  • Icon badge counter is properly cleared when notifications are viewed

Version 1.9.0

  • Unseen notifications are displayed as a badge on the icon
  • Users receive notifications on new quests
  • Maps for U.S. States objectives zoom properly
  • Map markers for achieved U.S. States objectives display the proper color
  • Objectives for U.S. States and TCC Countries can be re-verified
  • Notification titles are set properly on Android
  • Remote background notifications are not blocked on Android 12

Version 1.8.1

  • Improved proximity display for National Parks
  • Resolved issue retrieving data for past National Park activities
  • Added warning if GPS is not available during check-in

Version 1.8.0

  • Users can verify National Park check-ins from -anywhere- in the parks
  • Improved app startup speed; resolved crash with poor network
  • Redesigned bottom tab bar; added descriptions and profile icon
  • Improved location search and activity screen when network is poor
  • Redesigned map markers

Version 1.7.7

  • Users can change the location for Nearby Locations display
  • Searching quests no longer crashes

Version 1.7.6

  • Cached check-ins are automatically resubmitted when the app is back online
  • Objectives on new quests are shown regardless of app filters
  • Objective descriptions are properly displayed
  • Check-in comments always clear after posting
  • Screens properly handle when Location permissions aren’t granted

Version 1.7.5

  • High-fives and check-in comments are displayed immediately
  • User check-in totals are displayed on their profile
  • Quest Leaders are now calculated based on verifications

Version 1.7.4

  • Fixed auto-zoom on objective maps
  • Fixed fill color on objective proximity circles
  • Resolved iOS crash when startup is delayed due to network issues
  • Fixed crash with user panel

Version 1.7.3

  • Added map for Nearby Locations
  • Added auto-refresh for nearby locations on position change
  • Fixed crash with invalid nearby locations
  • Fixed bug preventing full listing of nearby locations, activities and notifications
  • Added Sentry for exception logging

Version 1.7.2

  • Major overhaul of Quest and Objective maps
  • Nearby Locations includes finished but unverified check-ins
  • Fixed issue with “white bar” appearing in initial tab views
  • Added geolocation support for iOS 14+

Version 1.7.1

  • Tapping notifications while the app is closed opens the proper screen
  • Comments refresh properly when tapping a notification
  • Users can see previous notifications for comment replies
  • Resolved issue with redundant notifications for comment replies

Version 1.7.0

  • Users can reply to check-in comments
  • Users are notified of comment replies and other users’ comments
  • Comment and high-five notifications are combined for easier viewing
  • Quest objective search results are improved
  • Apple Maps option is now available for iPhone users

Version 1.6.13

  • Added locations to quest search criteria
  • Added link for deleting comments on check-ins
  • Updated icons for Activity and check-in status
  • Resolved issue that prevented users from saving profiles
  • Improved profile banner display

Version 1.6.11

  • Email-based users are no longer forced to sign in every 24 hours
  • Fixed sorting issue with Nearby activity screen
  • Expanded details visible from Advanced screen
  • All internal menus now use common interface
  • Added Settings icon to Activity and Notification screens

Version 1.6.10

  • Users can now view objectives by tapping other users’ check-ins
  • Fixed comments and high-fives from objective activity
  • Fixed nearby location access from objectives with multiple locations
  • Corrected entries for high-five lists on some check-ins

Version 1.6.9

  • Resolved issues launching app while offline

Version 1.6.8

  • Current quest searches now return objectives
  • Searches wait for the user to stop typing and submit
  • Tabs properly respect large text

Version 1.6.7

App Changes

  • Users can track notifications for Connections (people they follow)
  • Users can search within quests again
  • Google Maps support has been updated to the latest
  • If a user removes Location permissions, the app fully respects this

Updated Quests

  • Added new breweries and locations to Arizona Craft Breweries (S-AZ-003)

Version 1.6.6

  • Tabs across the app are cleaner and more responsive
  • Organization of the Quest Detail screen has been improved
  • Users can tap into users on leaderboards and quests on user profiles

Version 1.6.5

  • Quests now have a Leaderboard!

Version 1.6.4

  • Users can view quests they share with other users
  • Users can view finished, verified, and bonus objectives for each quest
  • Tappable links are easier to see
  • Issues with the User Search screen are resolved

Version 1.6.3

  • Users can view and filter quest activities using the quest Activity tab
  • Sign In and Account fields can be cleared quickly
  • Password guidelines are highlighted during sign in
  • Android security concerns are resolved
  • Touch targets for header buttons are larger and easier to tap

Version 1.6.2

  • App startup is faster with less screen changes
  • Verified check-ins are now shown on the Quest tab
  • Clicking an address opens the location in Google Maps
  • Email sign-up no longer asks for a username
  • Full zoom-out does not prevent zooming back in

Version 1.6.1

App Changes

  • Quest progress shows both verified and finished objectives
  • Quest map provides Zoom buttons
  • Password resets will automatically sign in if successful
  • Minor issues with Google logins are resolved

Updated Quests

  • Updated Hawaii location for US State Capitol Buildings quest (N-USA-008)
  • Added more courses to Arizona Disc Golf Courses quest (S-AZ-011)

Version 1.6.0

App Changes

  • Users can sign in using Google accounts as well as Email
  • Filtering and titles work properly for all Nearby Locations
  • Auto-zoom for Quest maps ignores bad location data

New Quests

  • Iowa Craft Breweries (S-IA-001)
  • US State Highpoints (N-USA-014)

Updated Quests

  • Expanded courses in Arizona Disc Golf Courses quest (S-AZ-011)

Version 1.5.4

App Changes

  • iOS versions of the app are now released through TestFlight
  • Android versions are released through Google Play
  • The app no longer crashes when you click on Sort or Filter
  • Users can set the time range for Nearby activities
  • The app now loads more quickly with improved user feedback
  • The login screens are now more accessible

Updated Quests

  • Location viewports are now correct for Arizona Craft Breweries (S-AZ-003)

Version 1.5.3

App Changes

  • Opening nearby locations from unlisted quests no longer crashes
  • Quest maps properly display long place names
  • Zooming into your current location on a Quest map no longer shows a duplicate marker
  • The proximity circle for objectives on a Quest map displays more quickly

New Quests

  • Phoenix Municipal Golf Courses (S-AZ-009)

Version 1.5.2

App Changes

  • Users can now turn specific notifications on and off under Settings
  • Users can receive notifications when a person they’re following verifies an objective
  • Locations at long distances are more accurate
  • Activities no longer display duplicate location descriptions
  • Current position data is now reported more accurately

Quest Updates

  • Updated Colorado objective for Oldest Bar in Every State (N-USA-016)

Version 1.5.1

App Changes

  • The “Follow” button is no longer visible when you’re looking at yourself
  • The Restart and Abandon Quest commands more clearly warn about the impact
  • You can now search for quests from the Available Quests screen
  • The “Welcome to Questing” screen has been redesigned
  • The Questing logo has been updated on the login and signup screens
  • The signup process no longer requests or requires a phone number for SMS

Quest Updates

  • Added Four Silos Brewery to Arizona Craft Breweries (S-AZ-003)

Version 1.5.0

App Changes

  • You can see everyone who’s high-fived a check-in
  • You can restart a quest (without abandoning it)
  • You can switch Location Services to “Enhanced” mode to improve GPS performance
  • Check-in verification will detect the country you’re in (for applicable quests)
  • You can test location verification with the “Where Am I?” feature
  • You will only receive notifications for verified check-ins
  • The app doesn’t crash when you try to follow another user
  • The Connections screen refreshes properly when you follow or unfollow users
  • The Android app displays its version correctly
  • Your profile displays more accurately when *you* look at it

New Quests

  • US Presidential Libraries (N-US-011)
  • Travelers’ Century Club® (TCC) Countries (W-PBD-003)

Quest Updates

  • New icons for the core Arizona quests
  • Updated locations for O.H.S.O. Brewery and Helluva Brewing in Arizona Craft Breweries (S-AZ-003)
  • Added Greenwood Brewing, Ad Astra Brewing, and Belfry Brewing to Arizona Craft Breweries (S-AZ-003)